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Get Involved


The Peabody Auditorium's operations and programming are matters that require considerable time and study.  To assist the City Commission, City Manager and The Peabody staff, The Peabody Auditorium Advisory Board, a volunteer based board, was created in 1947 to provide valuable feedback and help develop plans, promote, evaluate and support programs and review projects with respect to the property of The Peabody Auditorium.  The board consist of nine members, all residents of the City of Daytona Beach - one from each district, one mayoral appointment, and two at large members appointed by the City commission. 



Members currently serving are:

Zone 1   Christos Mavronas

Zone 2   Linda Smiley

Zone 3   VACANT

Zone 4   Mary Martin / Chair

Zone 5   Malcolm Williams

Zone 6   Gina Stafford



Lloyd Bowers (Mayoral)

Earnest Murphy Jr. (at large) / Assist Chair 

Steven Miller (at large)


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